
Implementation of the Lifelong Education for out-of-school children who have been in less pursue to education by providing of pre-vocational education to raise the country’s next generation.


Endeavoring to attain the constant learning opportunities and jobs to the successful completion of E4Y generations with the collaborations of teachers, parents and relevant sectors by providing with holistic education in order to improve the learners.

E4Y provides:

  • High quality education, which is assured through the partnership with Swiss experts in vocational and educational training
  • A well-structured program composed of elements of both academic and practical education including development of self-confidence through the solution-oriented approach of lifelong learning, critical thinking and responsibilities
  • Opportunities of continuing further vocational education at CVT in the form of apprenticeship
  • Opportunities of continuing further vocational education pathway in TVET sectors
  • A pathway to decent employment opportunities by collaborating together with private entrepreneurs

Why children become out-of-school?

A certain percentage of children in Myanmar still have big difficulties in continuing their education after primary level or they pause in middle school level. They are required to quit from schools due to financial situations of their families, migration, disaster risks, being orphaned, living in unreachable areas etc. We aim to bring these children back to the classrooms instead of working somewhere else as cheap labor force. “Learning makes children brighter while working makes them harder”.

We open the doors for you:

If you are between 13-16 years old, you can read, write and calculate basically. However, there is also the chance to take the E4Y Entry Test and if you pass it, you are welcomed to join our program!