The Centre for Vocational Training Limited has been registered under Directorate of Investment and Company Administration Reg/136287206 as a non-profit social enterprise, providing high quality vocational education for the youth of Myanmar.

Since 2002, the school has been providing high quality vocational education, in the form of dual apprenticeship inspired by Switzerland and Germany in collaboration with local enterprises and business associations in Myanmar. Throughout the past years, the school was technically and financially sustained by a Swiss Support Association. After twenty years of hard work, dedication, and commitment to Myanmar, CVT has become a model vocational training institute in the field of professional education.

Early 2023 the school has been transformed into a non-profit social enterprise operated by a team of local experts with decades of experience in education and training of young professionals for the Myanmar labor market.

Vision of CVT….

  • Providing young people in Myanmar with professional skills and thus means for income generation.

Mission of CVT …

  • Reduce child labor and poverty by education.
  • Provide professional skills to young people in Myanmar and allowing them to earn a decent living.
  • Contribute to the needs for qualified labor force in the respective industries.