

I work full time; how can I study? The approach of CVT is particularly appropriate for you:
  • There is a number of short term courses allowing you to upgrade your competence in specific subjects. Please consult the “Short term courses” section of this website.
  • If you intend to learn a complete profession, the apprenticeship is for you. After an initial intensive course with lessons all day during about two months, you will come to school only one day per week and after two years you will be a competent professional. You may even come to school on your day off, if your employer is not allowing you to attend the lessons during office hours.
  • If you are already a professional and if you want to get further qualified in a specialization through a longer term training cycle, we recommend you to register for our “3rd year”, in which we further qualify professionals by a ten months course with one school day per week and in some professions additional “Practical Training Sessions” in our PTC.
Don’t hesitate to contact the hotline of CVT, our staff will help you to choose the right course.
I would like to know Age limit and education. Each course has specific requirements that you will find on the corresponding pages of our website.
In general for the admission to our apprenticeship courses the following conditions apply:
  • Minimum age 17 years
  • Minimum Basic Education High School
  • You need to have a job in line with the apprenticeship. If you don’t have such a job CVT will assist you in the end of the Initial Intensive Course to find a job in an enterprise that accepts you as an apprentice.
I have done only Middle School but haven’t done High School is that okay? If you do not fulfill all requirements and you are still motivated to learn in CVT, contact We will assess together with you your situation and then advise you.
Age & Experience – Can a school leaver join to CVT Myanmar? Yes, absolutely if you have a strong motivation to learn. We will assess your situation with you and then advise you.
I have no job – Can I learn something in CVT Myanmar? If you want to learn an entire profession we recommend you to join Preparation Class for 6 Saturdays. This will provide you a first insight on the profession and its requirements. You may join for free. You can register on this website.

You might also start with a short-term course. Have a look which career path is the most suitable for you.

Who will teach? Our teachers are all good professionals in their subject, most of them having a long term contract with CVT and a lot of experience.
Training Curriculum??? Our training contents are comparable to those of good professional schools in Switzerland. Our approach and our training contents are elaborated with Swiss experts that are working with CVT on a regular basis, joining international best practice and requirements of the Myanmar labor market. On top we teach intensively ICT and English to all our apprentices- and we provide general education, to learn for life and job.
What training materials supported? All training is based on regularly updated training manuals and handouts. PTC -Practical lessons are important in all professions so that our students become good implementers. Tools and material for practical trainings are provided by CVT.
Completion Rates – How many graduates since beginning? Quantity of graduates in all professions …….
Computer experience – I don’t have a lot of experience using computers; can I still study at CVT Myanmar?
  • Yes. In the end of your apprenticeship you will be fully computer literate and you will able to pass a certification of your knowledge.
  • You may start as a beginner or on a higher level if you have already computer experience. We provide laptop at school at Information Computer Technology time. We provide internet access in school.
I don’t have internet access at home, can I still study? Yes. We can provide all the materials you need in a folder and on a USB stick so you can do your work.
Experience – How long have you been training? Since 2002.
Do your courses change to meet the needs of industry and jobs? Yes. Our courses are developed in close relation with the respective industries. The on the job training during the apprenticeship is an important element of our dual track approach. For that reason almost all former CVT students have found jobs quickly after their exam.
How many training/professions are available? Assessments – What types of assessments are there?
  • We have examination sessions every year in March for Apprenticeship programs.
  • Our training contents are in line with NSSA requirements. All student can register for NSSA Assessment.
    (NSSA- National Skill Standard Authority which recognized by Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population)
Time – How much time does it all take?
  • Duration of short course vary between 2 weeks and 3 months
  • Apprenticeship program last 2 years with an optional 3rd year for specialization.
Certificate/Diploma Certificate or Diploma ……
Graduation – where and when is this held? Graduation ceremonies are a special part of studying. Every year CVT celebrates in the month of April, we invite graduates’ parent and include lunch.
For all short courses, a ceremony is organized within 30 days of courses completion.
Course details – Where do I find out about each of the courses? On our website you may find the professions / subjects / courses / prices.
What payment options are there? Payment options are listed with each of the courses. We accept in cash, bank transfer, paid by the companies (invoices).
Scholarship – Is there scholarship program available? Yes. CVT Myanmar offers 15 scholarships every school year and you may apply .
Can my company train a group of staff together? Yes, company training is very popular. Some our partner Companies send their employees to CVT on a regular basis. For our partner training companies ( see link ), we customize training course and assessments as per training companies demand. We are also qualifying their incompany trainers.
How many students in one training/class? What’s class size? Yes. Maximum 30, often less. For practical exercises we may divide classes in smaller subgroups.
I’m graduate, can I further study at CVT Myanmar? Yes, of course. We have a further education program.
  • CVT Certified Instructor
  • In-Company Trainer
  • Young Entrepreneur for Myanmar