
CVT Local Board Member Profiles

The members of the local board are local professionals with extensive experience in their respective business fields.

Function Background
Daw Khin Mar Aye
Daw Khin Mar Aye
Stakeholder Engagement Support
U Soe Min Thein
U Soe Min Thein
Education Support
Daw Yin Yin Aye
Daw Yin Yin Aye
Legal Affirs
Daw Khin Myat Sandar
Daw Khin Myat Sandar
Managing Director
Overall management and operation of the school
Daw Htet Htet Ye Win
Daw Htet Htet Ye Win
Director (Education)
Daw Ei Ei Zin
Daw Ei Ei Zin
Director (Finance & Human Resources)
Daw Thway Thway Maung
Daw Thway Thway Maung
Director (MarCom & Fundraising)
Daw Nay Chi
Daw Nay Chi
Director (Admin & Facilities Operation)
Daw Thidar Aye
Daw Thidar Aye
Director (Information Technology)

Swiss Support Association

The Swiss association “Verein für Berufsbildung in Myanmar” is registered and located in Sarnen, Switzerland. The mission of the support association is to support vocational and advanced training provided by CVT in Myanmar. Experts and association members are supporting CVT financially and logistically as well as providing managerial and methodical advice. They are unsalaried consultants, who work for CVT either during their holidays or in their spare time. One of the main activities of the Association is collecting money from donors and partners to sustain the operation in Myanmar. Visit the “Association for Vocational Training in Myanmar” in the Web:

The members of the Swiss Support Association are:
Board Function Background
Mr. Stefan Vogler
Stefan Vogler
Jeremias Pellaton
Jeremias Pellaton
Vice President Cabinetmaker EFZ (Swiss accreditation), BSc Wood Engineering, living 4 years in Myanmar gaining experience in the TVET sector with focus on further development of CVT Myanmar.
Ruedi Fanger
Ruedi Fanger
Communication MBA University of Zurich; experience in controlling, auditing and marketing (research); current position: Head of Global R&D Controlling at Siemens (Smart Infrastructure)
Rolf Fischer
Rolf Fischer
Controller Certified expert in accounting and controlling / Certified public accountant / Owner of an accounting and auditing company
Rolf Grossenbacher
Rolf Grossenbacher
Member University of Applied Sciences, Department of Architecture, Burgdorf / Higher technical school for corporate management (HFU), Bern / Course Chairman for introduction of structural engineering draughtsman apprentices / Instructor in the SDC introduction program for new SDC members (section construction).
Marianne Schneider
Marianne Schneider
Member MBA University of Basel; working experience in different industrial sectors, former CEO of a vocational business school
SSA Board Group