Why to become a Furniture Technician?

Home décor, office furniture, furnishing in restaurants, fitting of house interior and much more plays an important role in everyday life. With the opening of the Myanmar economy and thus the vast development of Myanmar’s manufacturing industry, skilled people who are capable of taking on responsibilities and do whole projects like a furniture technician are in high demand.

A Furniture Technician knows how to plan and produce objects or installation projects independently from start to finish. This includes the calculation of product price, the making of technical drawings (by hand and by computer-aided design software), the selection of appropriate materials, the application of suitable assembly techniques, the organization of manufacturing and installation on site. Other skills of the Furniture Technician include the professional communication with the team, the customer and the superior, the application of safety measures throughout the process, and basic soft skills (communication, computer literacy, etc.)

The corresponding vocational training for the Furniture Technician at CVT is based on training and learning at the vocational school, the training company and the practical training center (PTC). The training course takes two years. Students will get a certificate as CVT Furniture Technician when they pass the final exam.

After successfully completing the vocational training, several courses for further education can be attended.

Core competences of the Furniture Technician:
1. Solution-oriented approach including both creative and technical thinking
2. Mastering the various tools, machines and equipment in a basic workshop
3. Planning the manufacturing process from design to completion and delivery of the product
4. Knowing the different materials and their application
5. Knowing and applying the different assembly techniques
6. Creating technical drawings (hand and computer-aided design software)
7. Having safety awareness and taking safety precautions during implementation
8. Basic calculation (measuring, budgeting, salary)
9. Communication skills: Mastering Myanmar language and the various forms of communication. Mastering English in a professional setting.
10. Applying methodological, social and personal competences
Planning Project organization from A to Z
Material Knowledge Wood species, wood base materials, other materials
Working Technics Assembly techniques, tool application, machine knowledge, sharpening
Technical Drawing Hand drawing, technical drawing, basic CAD (Computer Aided Design software)
Technical Calculations Geometry, measuring, budgeting, estimates, marking
Additional lessons for:
PTC Practical Training Center (hand tools, portable power machines, stationary machines, finishing, interior fitting and installation)
English Basic English
Myanmar & Social Skills Mastering of mother tongue and self-competences
The Furniture Technician training program has two parts:
Part Description
Intensive Introduction Course IIC Eight weeks, five days a week, of intensive training at school (theory and practical workshops) preparing for the apprenticeship program
Apprenticeship Course AC 22 months of dual training: five days working and practicing at the training company, one day per week at the vocational school

The IIC gives students the necessary knowledge and skills to join the main course (AC) and successfully apply for the vocational training in a company.

The Apprenticeship Program provides the comprehensive vocational training at school and the training company to get the certificate as a CVT certified Furniture Technician.

* The fees cover cost for course material, exams, diploma etc.

Course schedule Intensive Introduction Course IIC
Intensive Introduction Course IIC
Duration 8 weeks
Schedule Monday – Friday
Subjects Theory, PTC, English, Myanmar & Social Skills
Admission Requirements Minimum age 17 years
Basic Education High School Level
ID card copy, family registration copy, criminal check record
Objective IIC Certificate CVT
Perspective Students who have passed the IIC test are allowed to join the subsequent Apprenticeship Program.
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Course schedule Apprenticeship Course (AC)
First year (Terms 1 and 2)
Duration 10 months
Schedule One weekday, 9 lessons
Subjects Theory, PTC, English, Myanmar & Social Skills
Admission Requirements Passed IIC test (IIC Certificate)
Objective Promotion to second year
Perspective Promoted students are allowed to continue with the second year of the Apprenticeship Course.
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Second year (Term 3 and 4)
Duration 12 months
Schedule One weekday, 9 lessons
Subjects Theory, PTC, English, Myanmar & Social Skills
Admission Requirements Promotion first year
Objective CVT Furniture Technician Diploma
Perspective Access to further education program CVT, specialization courses and courses in business studies, accounting, ICT and languages.
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Expert from Switzerland

“Reto Spichting” from “Sarnen” is a consultant for Cabinet Maker Profession. “Reto” is a teacher of “BWZ Obwalden Vocational School”. He guides CVT’s teacher and collaborate with other experts to fulfill the gap of CVT’s need.

By the recommendation and suggestion from apprentices and enterprises, CVT is on the right path of country development. Helping other is a sustainable development not only for other but also for oneself.

Mr. Reto_Spichtig
Mr. Reto_Spichtig
Mr. Seppi
Mr. Seppi
Mr. Jeremias Pellaton
Mr. Jeremias Pellaton